IdiotTweets Shows The Idiototic Side of Twitter...

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While browsing the latest on Twitter I came across one of the more interesting concepts related to the site, IdiotTweets, which also boasts a Facebook page as well, where the IdiotTweet of the day is posted.

From the simple, straight forward message of the site, its goal is to retweet tweets that people supply to the site via their Twitter feed, idiot_tweets, which the site describes as, "Tweets by Idiots, for Idiots, or containing Idiotic things."

So far it would appear that they have received some golden Tweets, which goes to show that fools are born every day, 140 characters at a time, who aren't afraid to put their idiocy on display for everyone to see.  Thanks to IdiotTweets we can now see some of the best on a site that looks eerily similar to the real thing.

To view for yourself click here...


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